Sunday, January 30, 2011

Newbie Linky Party at Debbiedoo's!


This is for blogs 6 months or less, and/or under 100 followers.
Thanks so much Debbiedoo's for having this party. I hope you like what you see. I'm really new so please follow me and come back to see what's going on. I have tons of projects on the burner! I hope to meet some new bloggy friends.


  1. Wonderful:) I am so glad you joined!!~ I see you are making new friends already...and you will. Have fun!

  2. FYI, under my header you will see a coffee chat series...I had some seasoned bloggers give some tips and tricks..check it out sometime, you will be so happy you did.

  3. I found you through Debbiedoos. Love the Valentines ideas. Now following

  4. I linked over from Debbie's. I am your latest follower. I am looking forward to keeping up with your blog. I would love if you would come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks.

  5. Hi WELCOME!
    Love that piece that was your Grandparents!
    I just became a follower!
    Come over and say hi!!

  6. Welcome to bloggin! I love the Valentine decor and the furniture is beautiful. Dropping by from Debbiedoos and one of your newest followers. Drop by and visit sometime. Have a great week, Vicky

  7. I like your blog! Following you from the "newbie party." Looking forward to your posts!!

  8. What a sweet blog... love the "Be Mine" wording on your Valentine's display.

    I'm popping in from the newbie blog party & will follow.

  9. Welcome to blogging! In case you haven't figured it out yet, it's addictive! Happy Blogging!
    Finding you via Debbie's Newbie party. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Have a great day!

  10. I found your blog from the newbie party! I'm a newbie, too and enjoy blogging so much!
    Following your blog!

  11. You have a sweet blog and I am happy to be a new follower. Love your Valentine vignette. I am so going to do one of those subway art pieces that I keep seeing all over blogland. I love that you added the buttons on yours. The piece of furniture that had been your great-grandparents is truly lovely. If you do decide to paint it or something, Kim at Saavy Southern Style has done some awesome tutorials & has painted everything under the sun. You can find her blog on my sidebar. Sorry I don't know how to link her blog into a comment box. Anyway, good luck on that.
